
This week at Wags and Whiskers Lisa expressed that she wanted paint over her previous color scheme for the cat rooms. Each of the rooms is painted a different color and she wanted to create a feeling of unity throughout the building. So she went over to Lowe's and brought back a light grey and I got to work. I began with the help of another volunteer, in the, "Old People," cat room, which ended up being really difficult. None of the cats wanted to leave or be put in cages. So I had to work around them. All of the commotion ended up starteling them so now two of the cats match the new paint job.
Along with painting the rooms, I'm beginning to patch the walls where the cats decided they wanted their new scratching post to be. So hopefully in the next two weeks I can have this finished so I can begin on the adoption mural.
Lisa and I began to talk about a new fundraising idea that involves the pet portraits I've been working on. But I'll post more details about that later. So in the mean while, check out these really cute kittens that I get to hangout with. I'm going to begin painting their portraits here in the next week.
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