The start of this painting ended up being a little easier. I had a clear image in my head of exactly what I wanted. And that was an image of a nice toasted pie with the blueberry filling showing. Instead of combing embroidery on this painting, I've decided to try and do two separate images. One being completely painted and then the other being completely embroidered, except the background. I'm still trying to find a creative but effective way to create the illusion of space. My embroidered image will be the one that is presented next week.
The shape is the basic shape that I'm going to try and achieve. I'm still thinking about the materials I'm going to use to actually build the mask. but I know there will be plant based materials. I also have ideas for frames that I want to be part of the video, which is something I'm going to begin filming tomorrow morning. I'm going to document the growth of some plants my grandpa and I just planted last week and sue it as filler/layering imagery. This part will be about a six week process.
The start of this painting ended up being a little easier. I had a clear image in my head of exactly what I wanted. And that was an image of a nice toasted pie with the blueberry filling showing. Instead of combing embroidery on this painting, I've decided to try and do two separate images. One being completely painted and then the other being completely embroidered, except the background. I'm still trying to find a creative but effective way to create the illusion of space. My embroidered image will be the one that is presented next week.
I have also been inspired to dive back into video art. This way I can further explore the idea of masks and my original idea from my first blog post. I'm currently planning out how I'm going to create the mask. I'm going to be using wire for the frame work, which I have a small sketch of.
This week I also completed the embroidery painting that I started last week. I still want to go back on the background and see if I can't make it more believable. I feel like with the painting of the pie, I was a little bit closer.
The artist that inspired me was Oriana Kacicek.
I really enjoyed the reading. It reminded me of all the times that I almost permanently stepped away from my paint brush. I'm not sure what fuels my need to create things, but I'm glad its there. The reading made me think of all the times my mom used to tell me she used to paint, and how she would sometimes go back to it but would quit again as soon as something wasn't going the way she wanted it to. When I'm painting food, I get frustrated with myself on how certain details aren't coming out the way I see them. So I keep making myself look at it, further away or up close until I can't take it anymore and focus on another part. By the time I get back to that one spot its like a light turns on and I can see exactly what needs to be done.
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